Day 29 of #90daysofdevops
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In this blog, we are going to start the Jenkins Important Interview Questions.
Jenkins Interview
Here are some Jenkins-specific questions related to Docker that one can use during a DevOps Engineer interview:
- What’s the difference between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment?
CI (Continous Integration) is the practice where developers merge the changes to the code base to the main branch as often as possible. These changes are validated by creating a build and then running automated tests against the build. If these tests don’t pass, the changes aren’t merged, and developers avoid integration challenges that can happen.
CD (Continous Delivery) is an extension of CI since it enables automation to deploy all the code changes to an environment (dev, qa, stage, prod, etc.) after the changes have been merged. The artifact may be built as part of CI or as part of this process since the source of truth (your repository) is reliable given your CI process. In simple terms, this means that there is an automated release process on top of the automated testing process and that developers can deploy their changes at any time by simply clicking a button or after CI.
CD (Continous Deployment) takes the process one step further than continuous delivery. Here, all changes that pass the verification steps at each stage in the pipeline are released to production. This process is completely automated and only a failed verification step will prevent pushing the changes to production.
Benefits of CI/CD
CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) streamlines development and delivery processes, offering benefits like faster releases, reduced manual errors, increased collaboration and improved quality through automated testing.
What is meant by CI-CD?
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is a software development approach that aims to improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of software delivery. This approach involves frequent code integration, automated testing, and continuous deployment of software changes to production.
Before the adoption of CI/CD in the software development industry, the common approach was a traditional, waterfall model of software development.
What is Jenkins Pipeline?
A Jenkins pipeline is a set of plug-ins to create automated, recurring workflows that constitute CI/CD pipelines. A Jenkins pipeline includes all the tools you need to orchestrate testing, merging, packaging, shipping, and code deployment.
A pipeline is typically divided into multiple stages and steps, with each step representing a single task and each stage grouping together similar steps. For example, you may have “Build”, “Test”, and “Deploy” stages in your pipeline. You can also run existing jobs within a pipeline.
Pipelines offer several benefits. You can:
Fast-track the delivery of code to production
Automate build generation for pull requests, ensuring no syntax errors are merged to the main branch/repository
Perform automated unit, sanity, and regression testing
Create customized automation workflows for different clients, environments, or products.
Ensure security best practices are followed by performing static code analysis, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing on every commit
Reduce the need for manual maintenance, testing, and deployment, allowing your developers and DevOps engineers to focus on more productive tasks.
How do you configure the job in Jenkins?
Configuring a Jenkins job involves specifying details such as source code repository, build triggers, build steps, post-build actions, and build parameters. This configuration is done through the Jenkins web interface.
Where do you find errors in Jenkins?
Jenkins logs provide information about errors. Key logs include Jenkins system logs (found in the Jenkins home directory) and build-specific console output.
In Jenkins how can you find log files?
Jenkins log files, including build logs, are typically located in the Jenkins home directory under the 'logs' folder.
Jenkins workflow and write a script for this workflow?
Jenkins Workflow is a feature of Jenkins that allows you to define and manage complex build and deployment processes as code. It provides a way to create more advanced and customizable pipelines using a Groovy-based DSL (Domain-Specific Language). Here's an example of a simple Jenkins Workflow script:
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build') { steps { // Build } } stage('Test') { steps { // Test } } stage('Deploy') { steps { // Deploy } } } }
How to create continuous deployment in Jenkins?
Continuous deployment in Jenkins involves creating a pipeline that automates the entire deployment process. Define stages for building, testing, and deploying the application. Trigger the pipeline on code changes or other events.
How to build a job in Jenkins?
To build a job in Jenkins, define the job's configuration, including source code repository, build steps, triggers, and post-build actions. Jenkins will automatically build the job based on the configuration.
Why we use pipeline in Jenkins?
Pipelines in Jenkins provide a structured and automated way to define, visualize, and manage the entire CI/CD process. It allows versioning, code review, and easy replication of complex workflows.
Is Only Jenkins enough for automation?
Jenkins is a powerful automation tool, but depending on your needs, you might use it in conjunction with other tools like version control systems, testing frameworks, containerization, and orchestration tools for a complete automation solution.
How will you handle secrets?
Secrets should be managed securely. Jenkins provides plugins like "Credentials Plugin" to store and manage secrets, passwords, and API keys. Use these plugins to ensure sensitive data is properly encrypted.
Explain diff stages in CI-CD setup
The following are the common stages involved in a CI/CD setup:
Code Development: This is the stage where developers write code and commit it to a version control system like Git.
Code Build: Jenkins or another CI tool is used to build the code, compile it, and run tests to ensure that the code is working as expected.
Code Test: The code is tested using various testing techniques such as unit testing, integration testing, and functional testing to ensure that it meets the required quality standards.
Code Deploy: The code is deployed to a staging environment for further testing, or to a production environment if it meets the required quality standards.
Name some of the plugins in Jenkins?
Jenkins has a vast ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality and enable integration with various tools and services. Here are some popular plugins commonly used with Jenkins:
Git Plugin: Integrates Jenkins with Git, allowing you to clone Git repositories, manage branches, and trigger builds based on Git events.
GitHub Plugin: Provides integration with GitHub, enabling features like triggering builds on GitHub events, reporting build status to pull requests, and more.
Pipeline Plugin: Offers a powerful and flexible way to define and manage continuous delivery pipelines within Jenkins, allowing you to script your entire build, test, and deployment process.
Docker Plugin: Integrates Jenkins with Docker, enabling you to build, publish, and deploy Docker containers as part of your CI/CD pipelines.
Blueocean plugin - It provides a visual representation of pipelines, making it easier to create, visualize, and understand complex CI/CD workflows.
Sonarqube plugin - The SonarQube Scanner plugin integrates Jenkins with SonarQube, a static code analysis tool.
These are some Jenkins questions that will help in cracking the interview. Hope these questions you will find useful and worthy.
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~kritika :)