Day 42 of #90daysofdevops
Hey Techies! Welcome to this blog
In this blog, we are going to start with IAM Programmatic access and AWS CLI π β
Introduction to IAM Programmatic Access
IAM Programmatic access is a way to allow users or services to interact with AWS resources through APIs, SDKs, or command-line tools, such as AWS CLI, instead of the AWS Management Console.
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts.
The AWS CLI v2 offers several new features including improved installers, new configuration options such as AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO), and various interactive features.
Log in to the AWS Management Console.
Navigate to corner of your Account
- Now go to Security credentials
- Now create your access key.
- Setup and install AWS CLI and configure your account credentials
Download AWS CLI on your machine From Amazon CLI Download
Then navigate to the Console and type
aws configure
Now put the keys those you have created.
That's it! You've just completed the task. π
Thank you so much for taking the time to read till the end! Hope you found this blog informative and helpful.
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Happy Learning!
~kritika :)
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