Funny Commands in the Linux Terminal

Funny Commands in the Linux Terminal

1. sl Command (Steam Locomotive)

The sl command is to playfully simulate a train moving across your terminal when you accidentally type “sl” instead of “ls” (a common mistype).

sudo apt install sl

After installation, you can try running the sl command by simply typing.


2. telehack Command

The telehack is a website that provides a text-based interface resembling a command-line environment, where you can interact with various commands, explore simulated systems, play text-based games, read articles, and even participate in a simulated storyline.

Go to the telehack website, and type the following command.


3. fortune Command

The fortune command is a fun command that is used to display a random quote, a witty saying, or a fortune message.

sudo apt install fortune

After installation, you can try running the fortune command by simply typing.


4. rev Command

The rev command is used to reverse the order of characters in each line of a given input. It reads the input from either standard input or from files and outputs the reversed lines.

To reverse the characters in a file, use the following command.

5. figlet - Banner Generator

Want to make a statement? figlet can generate large text banners made up of combined characters. Whether you’re declaring your love for Linux or just creating eye-catching titles, figlet has a style for you.

To generate a large text banner with Figlet:

$ figlet "Linux Rocks!"
  • Running the above command will generate a large text banner that says “Linux Rocks!” in stylized characters.

6. cowsay Command

The cowsay command generates an ASCII art representation of a cow or other animals with speech or thought bubbles containing a customizable message.

sudo apt install cowsay

After installation, you can try running the cowsay command by simply typing.

cowsay -f tux Hello!

7. yes Command

The yes command prints a continuous stream of the specified string or text repeatedly until terminated, which is often used in scripts or command-line operations that require automated or repeated input of a specific value.

yes anything you want
  1. Toilet Command

The toilet command generates visually appealing ASCII art text-based banners or large letters using various fonts in the terminal.

sudo apt install toilet
sudo apt install boxes
sudo apt install lolcat

Once the toilet is installed, you run the command with the text you want to convert into an ASCII banner.

toilet -f ivrit 'Linux is fun!' | boxes -d cat -a hc -p h8 | lolcat

9. cmatrix Command

sudo apt install cmatrix

Once the cmatrix is installed, you can run the command that displays cascading green characters resembling the falling code from the “Matrix” movie.


10. aafire Command

The aafire is a fun command that displays visually appealing ASCII art animation of a fire effect in the terminal using ASCII characters.

sudo apt install libaa-bin

Once aafire is installed, and you run the command to see a fire animation in your terminal.


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~kritika :)