# sudo -i --> Login as root user
# exit --> Exit from current user
# whoami --> Which user logged_in
# pwd --> Current Working Directory
# cd --> Change Directory
# cd .. -> Go back previous directory
# cd ../.. -> Go back 2 previous directory
# ls --> List Files / Directory in current path
# lshw --> List hardware configuration information
# date --> View date
# timedatectl --> View time & Date
# hwclock --> Display Hardware Clock
# uname -a --> Displays system information: kernel version, machine type, and more. ( uname -a , -r , -v , -m )
# cal --> Calander
# whoami --> Displays the username of the current user
# clear --> Clear the screen
# uname -a,-r, --> Displays the Linux infromation
# uptime --> Shows how long system is running
# last reboot --> List system reboot history
# hostname --> Shows the system hostname
# hostname -i --> Show the IP address of System
# shutdown now --> Shutdown my system / server
# finger username --> Displays information about a user
# top , htop ,btop--> View the running process
* kill -9 -> to kill the running processor forcefuly
* kill -15 -> to kill the running processor properly
# ps -ef --> to view the running processor
# ps -ef | grep ec2-user -> to view the particular processor
# cat /proc/cpuinfo --> CPU info
# cat /proc/meminfo --> Memory Info
# history --> View history
# HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T " --> View complte history
# history -c --> Delete all command in history
# history -d 32,26.02 --> Delete particular command in history
# history then # !10 --> Run a command again in history list
# mkdir Dir_1 --> Create a directory
# mkdir Tester{0..5} => Create 6 dir at time
# rmdir -f Tester{0..5} => Delete 6 dir at time.
# cp -r Dir_1 Dir_2 --> Copy Source _ Distination_Directory
# mv Dir_1 Dir_2 --> Move Source _ Distination_Directory
# diff Dir_1 Dir_2 --> Compare two DIRS and display differences.
# touch File_1 --> Create a File without content
# touch Developer{0..5} => Create 6 dir at time
# rm -f Developer{0..5} => Delete 6 dir at time
# echo " My linux commands " > testing.txt --> Create a file with content
# cat > File_2 --> Create a file with content
# cp File_1 Dir_2 --> Copy Source files _ Distination_Directory
# mv File_2 Dir_2 --> Move Source files _ Distination_Directory
# diff File_1 File_2 --> Compare two files and display differences.
# tail -f /var/log/syslog --> Check System logs @ Run_time ( IMPORTANT REAL TIME )
# less updates.txt <<< /// >>> more updates.txt => content page by page view
# head -10 updates.txt --> Shows first 10 lines of file
# tail -10 updates.txt --> Shows last 10 lines of file
• # :wq --> Save & Quit
• # :q! --> quit force without saves
• # 3yy --> Copy 3 lines <<< /// >>> p => Paste a lines
• # dd --> delete single line ,3dd => delete 3 lines, x = backspace
• # :%d --> Delete all lines
• # :set nu / :set nonu --> Numbers settings
• # :2 --> Navigate that line
• # u --> Undo
• # Ctrl+r --> Redo
• # / = Search, downside >>> "n" upside >>>"shft+n" → next and next
• # :%s/uma/umasankar/g or gc => Search & Replace all in text file completely.
• # g + U + w & g+u+w => change uppercase to lower case
• # g + U + G & g + u + gg => all line uppercase & Lowercase
• # cntrl+z <<< /// >>> fg --> Minimize and Maximize editor ( Must save& Exit before close terminal )
• # gg --> switch to the first line
• # shift + g --> switch to the last line
# scp file_1 ec2-user@ /home/ec2-user --> File transfer Server_1 to Server_2
# wget <URL> --> Download any tool / file from internet
# sudo curl -O [link] --> Transfer data to or from a server to Servers
# tar -cvzf [file/directory] --> Archive [file/directory] using TAR_FORMAT
# tar -xvzf [file/directory.tar] --> Un-Archive [file/directory] using TAR_FORMAT
# gzip [file_name] --> Archive [file/directory] using gzip_FORMAT
# gunzip [file_name.gz] --> Un-Archive [file/directory] using gzip_FORMAT
# nmtui --> Change Host_name
# ifconfig --> Show all IP address ( IP_V4 , IP_v6 )
# ping [remote_host] --> Ping Servers ( communication_check )
# netstat -pnltu --> Check TCP / UDP lister's port's
# host [domain_name] --> Check Domain_IP
# hostname -i --> Show local IP's address
# nslookup [domain_name] --> Receive information about an internet domain
# ssh -i ec2-user@ --> Communication establishment SERVER to SERVERS
# ssh -keygen --> Creating Key_pairs
# ssh -p "1111" ec2-user@ --> Connect to the host using a particular port
# sudo systemctl start sshd --> Start sshd ( Demon_process )
# df -hi --> Check free and used space on mounted systems
# lsblk --> List Block
# du -ah , -sh --> See disk usage for all files and directories.
# free -h --> Display free and used memory
# fdisk -l --> Display disk partitions
# lshw --> List Hardware info
1, Redhat_LINUX -->
#! /bin/bash
sudo yum install httpd -y
systemctl start httpd
sudo yum update
2, Amazon_Linux -->
#! /bin/bash
sudo yum install httpd -y
systemctl start httpd
sudo yum update
#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install apache2 -y
systemctl start apache2
sudo apt-get update
Encrypt/Decrypt via Linux command
# echo "Sankar" -> Encrypt this variable / Password
# echo -n "Sankar" | base64 -> En encrypted
# echo -n "uty54yt55t5t5t6" | base64 - decode -> Decrypted
* R - read -> 4
* W - Write -> 2
* X - excute -> 1
# ls -larth --> List files / Dirs
# chmod 754 file_name --> Change permission File_name
# chmod U=rwx, G=rx-, O=-r- file_name
# chmod 777 Sathish => Set full permission ( File / Directory )
# id --> See details about theactive users
# last --> Show the last system logins
# who --> Display who is currently logged into the system
# sudo useradd sankar_1 --> Create new user
# passwd sankar_1 --> Create Password
# finger ubuntu --> Show user information
# su - sankar_1 --> Login as sankar_1 ( USER )
# sudo userdel sankar_1 --> Delete user
# Ctrl + C --> Kill running process
# Ctrl + Z --> Stop the current process
# Ctrl + W --> Cut one word before the cursor
# Ctrl + U --> Cut part of the line before the cursor
# Ctrl + K --> Cut part of the line after the cursor
# Ctrl + Y --> Paste from clipboard
# Ctrl + R --> Recall the last command that matches the provided characters.
# !! --> run again last command
# exit --> Log out of the current session
Thank you so much for taking the time to read till the end! Hope you found this blog informative and helpful.
Feel free to explore more of my content, and don't hesitate to reach out if need any assistance from me or in case of you have any questions.
Happy Learning!
~kritika :)
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